Accepted Journal Papers

  1. Stable-Baselines3: Reliable Reinforcement Learning Implementations

    Antonin Raffin, Ashley Hill, Adam Gleave, Anssi Kanervisto, Maximilian Ernestus, Noah Dormann

  2. Global Optimality and Finite Sample Analysis of Softmax Off-Policy Actor Critic under State Distribution Mismatch

    Shangtong Zhang, Remi Tachet des Combes, Romain Laroche

  3. Cheap and Deterministic Inference for Deep State-Space Models of Interacting Dynamical Systems

    Andreas Look, Barbara Rakitsch, Melih Kandemir, Jan Peters

  4. Models of human preference for learning reward functions

    W. Bradley Knox, Stephane Hatgis-Kessell, Serena Booth, Scott Niekum, Peter Stone, Alessandro G Allievi

  5. Reward (Mis)design for autonomous driving☆

    W. Bradley Knox, Alessandro Allievi, Holger Banzhaf, Felix Schmitt, Peter Stone

  6. Structure in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Survey and Open Problems

    Aditya Mohan, Amy Zhang, Marius Lindauer

  7. Emergent behaviour and neural dynamics in artificial agents tracking odour plumes

    Satpreet H. Singh, Floris van Breugel, Rajesh P. N. Rao, Bingni W. Brunton

  8. GVFs in the real world: making predictions online for water treatment

    Muhammad Kamran Janjua, Haseeb Shah, Martha White, Erfan Miahi, Marlos C. Machado, Adam White

  9. Off-Policy Actor-Critic with Emphatic Weightings

    Eric Graves, Ehsan Imani, Raksha Kumaraswamy, Martha White

  10. Risk Sensitive Dead-end Identification in Safety-Critical Offline Reinforcement Learning

    Taylor W. Killian, Sonali Parbhoo, Marzyeh Ghassemi

  11. Temporal Difference Learning with Compressed Updates: Error-Feedback meets Reinforcement Learning

    Aritra Mitra, George J. Pappas, Hamed Hassani

  12. Action Noise in Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning: Impact on Exploration and Performance

    Jakob Hollenstein, Sayantan Auddy, Matteo Saveriano, Erwan Renaudo, Justus Piater

  13. Granger Causal Interaction Skill Chains

    Caleb Chuck, Kevin Black, Aditya Arjun, Yuke Zhu, Scott Niekum

  14. On Uncertainty in Deep State Space Models for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

    Philipp Becker, Gerhard Neumann

  15. Mitigating Value Hallucination in Dyna-Style Planning via Multistep Predecessor Models

    Farzane Aminmansour, Taher Jafferjee, Ehsan Imani, Erin J. Talvitie, Michael Bowling, Martha White

  16. Investigating the properties of neural network representations in reinforcement learning

    Han Wang, Erfan Miahi, Martha White, Marlos C. Machado, Zaheer Abbas, Raksha Kumaraswamy, Vincent Liu, Adam White